Privacy policy

Jenny Peers-Jones Nutrition is committed to protecting your privacy & complies with all relevant data protection regulations including the Data Protection Act (DPA) & General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The following details how your personal data is collected, used & stored securely. If you have any questions please email 
What We Do
Jenny Peers-Jones Nutrition provides Nutritional Therapy services to individuals to improve their health & wellbeing through dietary & lifestyle adaptations. The focus is on preventative healthcare, the achievement of optimal functionality & avoidance of disease wherever possible. As each person in individual all advice is tailored specifically to the individual & guidance may include nutraceuticals (supplements), the suggestion of further testing & referrals to additional practitioners if appropriate.
In addition to this other business services are available such as corporate wellness events, educational seminars & social media content creation.
How Your Data Is Collected
You may provide data in the following ways:
By completing a pre-consultation questionnaire 
By signing a terms of engagement
During a Nutritional Therapy consultation
Through email correspondence, video calls, over the telephone or by post
By paying with a credit/debit card or online

This may include:
Basic details e.g name address & contact information
Other physicians/professionals you are under the care or
Health information including previous medical history, text results & medication/nutraceuticals.
Bank details.

This information is utilised to provide direct healthcare, which provides legitimate legal basis for the holding of your personal data.

Data From External Sources
Sensitive medical information may be obtained from testing companies/laboratories in the form of test results, in addition to seeking information from other healthcare providers but only with your explicit consent to do so.
This allows proper coordination of your healthcare.
How Your Data Is Used
We act as both a data controller & processor to provide direct healthcare, liaise with other healthcare providers & testing companies, & to process payments.
Your data is protected at all times & stored in a manner consistent with the requirements of the GDPR.
We may use your personal data where there is an overriding public interest, or when legally required to do so. We may use your data for marketing purposes but only where you have given direct consent.
All information is kept confidential & will only be disclosed to third parties with your express consent except in the following instances.
To our professional associations for the processing of a complaint made by you.
To anyone to whom we may transfer our rights & duties under any agreement we have with you.
To any legal or crime prevention agencies &/or to satisfy any regulatory request if we have a duty to do so or if the law allows us to do so.
We may share your information with supplement companies and biochemical testing companies as part of providing you with direct healthcare.  No sensitive information will be included.
We will seek your express consent before sharing your information with your GP or other healthcare providers. However, if we believe that your life is in danger then we may pass your information onto an appropriate authority (such as the police, social services in the case of a child or vulnerable adult, or GP in case of self-harm) using the legal basis of vital interests.
We may share your case history in an anonymised form with our peers for the purpose of professional development.  This may be at clinical supervision meetings, conferences, online forums, & through publishing in medical journals, trade magazines or online professional sites.  We will first seek your explicit consent before processing your data in this way.
What are your rights?
Every individual has the right to see, amend, delete or have a copy, of data held that can identify you, with some exceptions. You do not need to give a reason to see your data.
If you want to access your data you must make a subject access request in writing to Jenny Peers-Jones. You will receive a response within 20 working days from the point of receiving the request & all necessary information from you.  Our response will include the details of the personal data we hold on you including:
Sources from which we acquired the information.
The purposes of processing the information.
Persons or entities with whom we are sharing the information.

You have the right, subject to exemptions, to ask to:
Have your information deleted.
Have your information corrected or updated where it is no longer accurate.
Ask us to stop processing information about you where we are not required to do so by law or in accordance with the ANP & GNC guidelines.
Receive a copy of your personal data, which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used & machine readable format and have the right to transmit that data to another controller, without hindrance from us.
Object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you
We do not carry out any automated processing, which may lead to automated decision based on your personal data.
All safeguarding measures are employed in accordance with GDPR & records will be kept for the duration specified by our professional association ANP.
Like most websites, we make use of analytics software in order to help us understand the trends in popularity of our website & of different sections. We make no use of personally identifiable information in any of the statistical reports we use from this package.
Social media
This website uses social media plugins to connect with social networks in various ways. For these to work the following social media sites including; LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter; will set cookies through our website which may be used to enhance your profile on their site or contribute to the data they hold for various purposes outlined in their respective privacy policies.
If you have a complaint regarding the use of your personal data then please contact us by email 
If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction & you wish to make a formal complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), you can contact them on 01625 545745 or 0303 1231113.
Reviewing the Policy
This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis & as & when necessary following any legislative changes or relevant best practice recommendations.

book a call

If you would like more information about how I can help you and which service is right for you, get in touch to schedule a free 20-minute call. 

book a call

If you would like more information about how I can help you and which service is right you, get in touch to schedule a free 20-minute call.